Archive for the ‘Art’ Category


4pan_09032010, originally uploaded by thatguynoonelikes.

Poor Legion~


leish_ss, originally uploaded by thatguynoonelikes.

It’s hard drawing someone you do not know at all.


eatsomepamcakes, originally uploaded by thatguynoonelikes.

Saw The Golden Army today. A definite improvement on the first one.

After seeing the prince whip out those blade skills, Guillermo better direct the Drizzt movie if they ever make one.

scoutin it up

scoutinitup, originally uploaded by thatguynoonelikes.

Drawn while @ work.

Those big shot Scouts are so full of themselves, the JERKS.

zack junk

zack_junk, originally uploaded by thatguynoonelikes.

Magus told me to draw Zack so THIS IS WHAT HE GETS.